Sandy Stress

Feeling stressed by all that you have to deal with these days?

Super Storm Sandy has taken a toll on all of us in some way. Book your next appointment and mention the Sandy Special. Receive $20 off your next regular priced massage for massages booked throughout 2013.

Come in and get revitalized!


Drinking a cup of mint tea and watching the snow fall.


What do you do for relaxation? I find that so many people do nothing to really relax. Even a 5 minute meditation would do a world of good.

Do one thing each day to relax your mind & body; it will help you focus and deal much better.



The Flu

So it seems that every time you turn on the TV you hear about it. You go to your local pharmacy or even to the big department stores and the shot is available, No prescription necessary any more. A doctor doesn't have to administer it even. That makes me raise an eyebrow. The best defense however is getting enough rest, balanced diet , less stress and more relaxation and plenty of hand washing. A massage wouldn't hurt either . Come in for a visit and feel good. 

Be well

Nicky Fader LMT